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Where you can get to a deeper level of healing in a shorter amount of time with focused intention. 


Do you ever feel like you’re just getting into therapy and then it’s time to end? 

Do you get frustrated with trying to process hard emotions and memories in a 50 minute time block? 

Has EMDR therapy been recommended, but hasn’t seemed to work for you?


Therapy Retreat

A full day of therapy gives you a 6 hour block of time (with an hour lunch and other short breaks as needed) to process trauma. Thanks to EMDR therapy, you can often accomplish the same amount of work that you would in 4-6 months of weekly therapy in one day. Clients with multiple or complex issues have benefited from multiple days. 

Typical full day retreat therapy session:


Resource devlopment (to be used during trauma processing)

Target memory selection (getting to the root of the symptoms)

Trauma processing/ inner child work

1 hour lunch

Trauma processing/ inner child work/ immaginary exposure (phobias)

Future Template (preparing for challenging future situations)

Wind down/ recap/ next steps

Therapy Session

About half the session can be taken up by checking in and winding down, giving you a limited amount of time to work on the trauma. Other things may come up during the week that you want to process in therapy.

Typical 50 minute therapy session:

15 minutes: Check in about the week

25 minutes: skill building/trauma processing

10 minutes: wind down/recap/homework

A full day of therapy gives you a 6 hour block of time (with an hour lunch and other short breaks as needed) to process trauma. Thanks to EMDR therapy, you can often accomplish the same amount of work that you would in 4-6 months of weekly therapy in one day. Clients with multiple or complex issues have benefited from multiple days. 

About half the session can be taken up by checking in and winding down, giving you a limited amount of time to work on the trauma. Other things may come up during the week that you want to process in therapy.

Typical full day retreat therapy session:


Resource devlopment (to be used during trauma processing)

Target memory selection (getting to the root of the symptoms)

Trauma processing/ inner child work

1 hour lunch

Trauma processing/ inner child work/ immaginary exposure (phobias)

Future Template (preparing for challenging future situations)

Wind down/ recap/ next steps

Typical 50 minute therapy session:

15 minutes: Check in about the week

25 minutes: skill building/trauma processing

10 minutes: wind down/recap/homework

    • Resolving trauma exacerbating OCD symptoms
    • Reducing emotional suffering of dealing with chronic physical pain
    • Overcoming a phobia (flying, public speaking, needles, insects, throwing up, claustrophobia, etc) 
    • Increase self-confidence
    • Resolving anxiety/trauma that keeps you from dating again
    • Clearing blocks/past experiences to setting boundaries 
    • Processing specific traumatic experiences that are most troubling (recent or past)
    • Preparation for something you are anxious about (birth, surgery, etc)
    • Resolving trauma related to emotional eating
    • And many more! 


Intensives are offered on Fridays in person or online. Multiple day intensives available upon request. If you are interested, the next step is to schedule a consultation session to see if an intensive would be right for you. Click the button below to contact me about scheduling your consultation.  

Retreat/Intensive Pricing: $1200 (6 hours). The intensive may save you money as you have the potential to get more done in one day than months of individual therapy.